Pullsatila Grandis
Anyone who has ever visited Poljčane couldn’t have overlooked the flourishing Boč mountain range, rising above the river Dravinja. The mountain dominates the space; gazes near and far are directed at it. Due to the exceptionally preserved natural and cultural heritage, the area surrounding Boč, together with Donačka gora, was declared the Boč-Donačka landscape park. It includes forests, dry and wet meadows, streams, springs and areas with anthropogenic influences reflected in the cultural landscape and architecture.
Nature least affected by man in the municipality of Poljčane is carefully protected through nature reserves. They are subject to the strictest protection regimes, which ensure their preservation. In the area of Boč, protected within reserves are the forest area just below the top of the mountain and primeval forest remnant between Boč and Plešivec.
A significant percentage of areas in the municipality of Poljčane area included in Natura 2000 sites – areas extremely important for the conservation of biodiversity at the European level. In our municipality, areas Boč-Haloze-Donačka gora, the Dravinja valley and Ličenca near Poljčane are considered essential for the conservation of European important species
But Natura 2000 sites alone do not contribute to the preservation of biodiversity. Slovenia has also declared ecologically critical areas, in order to protect species and habitat types rare or endangered at the Slovenian level. In this, they differ from Natura 2000 sites. Such areas in the municipality of Poljčane are the ones mentioned above and the area of Ljubična-Zgornje Poljčane, where the rare and endangered steppe beauty velikonočnica grows on the dry meadows of Boč.
This delicate steppe plant, growing in an isolated area, is a symbol of Boč and adorns the coat of arms of the Municipality of Poljčane.
Velikonočnica spread from the north to these regions during the Ice Age. After the cold withdrew, smaller populations of this northern European flora, in generally higher altitudes, were preserved.
It is a perennial that grows on calcium-rich soil in dry meadows, rocky outcrops as well as pine and oak forests. It blooms from February to April, during Easter (velika noč), which gave it its name. Its stem is protected from the cold with velvet hairs, so it can also be called ‘veliki kosmatinec’ (big furry).
It is more common in Eastern Europe, but also thrives in Central Europe. It’s a rare representative of steppe plants in Slovenia and is increasingly endangered, as it grows mostly in the wider area of Boč and near Šentjurje. As such, it’s an endemic species.
The most famous site is on Boč. Unfortunately, it was already exterminated above the hut, as well as on the remaining meadows. It remained only on the hill, where it still thrives today, but in a small population, which is no longer self-sustaining, as there are too few specimens left. Few specimens also remained at the site in Zgornje Poljčane. The well-known population from Boč is a victim of excessive popularization, charisma and unfortunately inappropriate ideas and solutions for its protection.
Boč is a mountain in the Boč-Donačka gora landscape park, dominating the landscape between Sotla and Dravinja with its 979 meters above sea level.
At the top is a 20-meter-high steel communication tower, with a television transmitter nearby. Below the top is a mountain lodge you can get to with an asphalt road from Zgornje Poljčane. A road from Studenice leads to the transmitter. From Poljčane it is possible to climb the mountain with the forest educational trail also known as ‘Detičkova pot’ or along the path across Baba, a limestone lookout pier, offering a beautiful view of Poljčane and the Dravinja valley.
The Boč area consists of various peaks, ridges, slopes, and small plains, without any noteworthy watercourses, as the world is predominantly karst, and the waters sink underground. They come to the surface as karst springs, which are, along with caves, sinkholes, gullies, and cliffs, the karst phenomena classifying the Boč area and its surroundings as isolated karst.
Rocks like limestone and dolomite can be found here and on the sunny side of the mountain, healing mineral water boils, which has led to the development of the Rogaška Slatina health resort.

Students of our school creatively participate in the Erasmus+ project Love sustainable society. The Miyawaki forest grows, the fence protects it, and students water the plants diligently. Recently we have added a traditional Slovenian wildflower meadow. It will enrich our lives, and attract bees and other pollinators.
Orchards, full of fruit and also of birds, traditional meadows, swamps, and amphibians are a few pieces of nature that we need to protect and preserve.
The meadows that grow on the other side of the Brežnica stream and along the Dravinja river are intensive, with very few different sorts of plants and animals.
A few decades ago, wildflower hay meadows grew here. Traditional mowing and forage harvesting predominated. Livestock grazed on such meadows, there were no artificial fertilizers, no drying out.
But such meadows are not profitable enough in modern times. It takes a lot of time to produce hay traditionally. Therefore, unfortunately, they are disappearing from the Slovenian and European space.
But why are they so important? They are a natural seed bank. They preserve the diversity of meadow plants, landscapes, and natural heritage. We need traditional meadows to relax and to enjoy looking at the colorful meadow carpet, too.
How do four Erasmus+ schools create sustainable ways of life?
Elementary School Kajetan Kovič from Poljčane and Elementary School Anica Černejeva from Makole have been participating in the Erasmus + K2 project since 2019. We want to develop and share innovative practices, promote cooperation, and exchange experiences. One of the forms of cooperation and partnership between schools is mobility for students and teachers of participating schools.
In the project Promoting the development of personal knowledge in creating a sustainable lifestyle we cooperate with the Stari Grad Primary School from Užice in Serbia and the Vilnius Antakalnio Progymnasium from Lithuania.
The project unites all four partner schools. We all take care of our environment and create ways to sustainable ways of. It is time to stop talking and start acting, otherwise, we will lose a healthy life in a healthy environment.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the cooperation went differently than we had planned. But where there is a will, there is a way! Instead of live events, we connected with Google Meet, phone calls, e-mails, eTwinning, and Instagram. Instead of exchanging employees and students, we realized combined activities that connect fieldwork with virtual presentations.
We have already finished some activities, some of them are in progress, and in the next school year, we will finish all the activities because the project implementation time has been extended to the end of August 2022.
Students from Poljčane realized two high-profile activities about the planet Earth and about local water pollution through video meetings. We also created a short video.
The outstanding activity was carried out on Rogla. Mentor, Goran Sabolič: ‘We take students to field trips and encourage them to observe the environment. We show them the geographical diversity of Slovenia. Slovenia is a small country with wide natural diversity. Students used a measuring device they made themselves. They understand that the Earth is not unlimited and that global changes affect each of us. ‘
Water quality in the Dravinja River has improved lately, but students with mentors Tatjana Zgubič and Polona Kobala measured water quality. They realized that the Brežnica stream, which flows near the school, is very polluted. We suggest some procedures to improve the state of water in our environment.
Sustainability is not just about the environment. We want to motivate all students to take care of the green planet and this is one of the reasons we coordinated many different activities:
- we organized a photography competition about trees and prepared an exhibition of award-winning photographs, the mentor Nejc Zidarič,
- the mentor Rok Dragić and teachers of the 1st and 2nd triad motivated students to paint trees or made products from natural materials,
- we have prepared videos with sports and science topics, which are added to the eTwinning portal and on the school website, the mentor of the video activity is Miran Voglar,
- we presented jobs of the future and green jobs, the mentor Nada Druškovič cooperated with the Prizma Foundation,
- we prepared an exhibition of mighty, different, wounded, lonely, exceptional, oldest, most beautiful, tallest, thickest trees in the local environment, the mentor Tatjana Zgubič,
- on World Earth Day, activities took place in all classes, we prepared an exhibition in the school lobby wrote about the beauties of Slovenia in English, we also celebrated the World Bee Day, the mentor Tatjana Zgubič
- we connected with the international project Pogum, the coordinator of the activity is Vesna Vilčnik,
- with letters to the homeland Slovenija in English, we participated in the exhibition Ena in edina, moja domovina Slovenija celebrating the 30th birthday.
Students from Makole learned about the protection of special, old and beautiful trees in the school area and in the municipality, and made products from natural materials.
One of the common tasks of all four schools is to plant an urban forest according to the Miyawaki method. The purpose of planting indigenous trees and shrubs is to create a new ecosystem that will sustainably enrich the environment of our schools. Because we cooperate with Lithuania and Serbia, we will plant the national trees of the partner countries, birch and oak, and of course Slovenian national tree, linden. In this school year, in Poljčane we have modernized the school playground, so we will plant a micro forest in the fall.
But what did we do in the first year of this international project?
In all four schools, we presented the project to students, teachers, parents, and the local community. We have a flag and our own anthem.
Both schools hosted project coordinators and teachers from Lithuania and Serbia.
All four schools cooperated in a mini-project Penpals, exchanged Christmas and New Year greetings talked about Christmas customs of all three countries learned about the partner countries. The Slovenian schools organized a sustainable traditional breakfast and decorated the school with Eco ornaments made from recycled materials.
The mentor Suzana Vošinek prepared the design and made plans for a durable tote bag for carrying food on activity days.
In both schools, we discussed the issue of food waste and discussed sustainable and green jobs within the school parliament.
A traditional school sustainable market of well-preserved books and toys were held at the Anica Černejeva Elementary School. They made a wooden Christmas tree, they started using reusable water bottles and organic lunch bags. They wrote poems about the environment and about trees, the students carved a memorial plaque out of wood with the name of the project and the partner countries. They collect seeds, recycle batteries, light bulbs, plastic bottle caps, electronics, they separate paper and organic waste in classrooms. On the World Earth Day, Makola’s students paid special attention to the environment.
The teachers who most actively cooperated with the coordinator Nataša Kosajnč at the Makola school are: Petra Bercko Beranič, Barbara Gmeiner Kline, Anita Koren, Klementina Mlaker, Diana Slaček, Andrej Šafhalter and Jasmina Železnik.
With the school from Lithuania, they moderated a virtual quiz. The students competed in knowledge about the partner countries and sustainability. 50 students from each school participated, the winners received awards and prizes. They organized eco-workshops and baked desserts by the recipes from the partner countries.
At the Poljčane school, all students and teachers were actively involved in the quiz topic, and the preparations took place as an activity at the school and through video meetings.
All partner schools collect materials, make photos and so document all events and activities, we write articles for the school newspaper, the school website, and the local newspapers. We also add content to the eTwinning application, which connects European schools.
And what are the main goals of the Love Sustainable Society project?
Together with students and the local environment, we want to do as much as possible to preserve the green heritage of our ancestors.
What have we changed in our behavior? Here is a list of many improvements:
- we no longer use disposable bottles,
- we have a washable cotton bag for a snack at activity days,
- in the kitchen, we order food from suppliers who do not cause environmental pollution,
- we take care of as little food waste as possible,
- we regularly separate waste, take care of the clean and tidy surroundings of the school,
- we understand the importance and value of trees,
- we know water management is very important,
- we are proud of the diversity of Slovenia and, through experiential learning, we learn about it,
- by planting indigenous plant species (undergrowth, shrubs, trees) we create biodiversity around schools,
- we try to implement ideas of sustainability to the current and future families of students.
In the international activities for students, the combination of personal, professional, and career development of the participants is very important. We try to find innovative ways in the project. And it is very valuable and important that all employees participate in such projects. Our project is a source of authentic challenges and tasks that the whole world is dealing with. It is an investment in the future.
Students of all four schools are ready to co-create very concrete solutions for our planet. The two Slovenian schools are expanding our efforts to the partner schools, and at the same time, we are learning from the good experiences of the participants.
The name Love Sustainable Society says that we share similar challenges. The first letters of the project name are the initials of the three participating countries: Lithuania, Slovenia and Serbia. We are connected by sustainable activities, the flag, the anthem, and the name of the project.
Through experiential learning and international collaboration, we lead students to become future citizens with clear demands and perceptions that sustainability is a way of life in the future. Sustainable living is trying to live in a way that reduces, or lessens, our use of the Earth’s natural resources. It is a balance between the environment, people, and the well-being that the planet offers us. Of course, only if we do not consume more and faster than the natural environment can offer us. Teaching kids sustainable living ideas is an investment in the future. By letting them learn about the natural world and humans’ effect on the planet, we’re ensuring the next generations will be composed of conscious and compassionate individuals.
Erasmus+ project coordinators Marina Koražija and Nataša Kosajnč
We love working with wood
Give me the right task and I will be happy to do it! Students Gal Šket, Martin Peršoh and Žiga Lužar, all from class 8 a, Miha Onič Fabjan from class 8 a, Matic Klančnik Sobotič, Leja Pauman and Ajda Založnik Kodrič from class 9 b.
They cooperated in a project during the winter holidays. They renovated wooden chairs for the Poljčane Mountain Lodge and so they did an outstanding job at the initiative and under the expert guidance of teacher Sabina Kralj. They restored 20 chairs.
They did something good for all of us.
Thank you boys and girls, you were great! You acted like a real team and we are proud of you. You are a true example of how we can breathe new life into wooden furniture which looks worn out. Your project contributed to sustainability. You enjoyed working in a team and re-emphasized the fact that wood is a healthy, beautiful and renewable material.
You can find photos in gallery.
Mag. Francka Mravlje, school principle
The fence around the Miyawaki forest
The fence around the mini forest stands firm! It protects the young plants which have already started with the spring growth. We will be watching how the leaves on shrubs and young trees sprout in the next few weeks!
We will take care of young plants in this fast-growing, sustainable, and urban forest throughout the year. Last week, we made sure that the fence remains strong. Third-graders and seventh-graders coated the top of the fence posts with grafting putty. The grafting putty is used for wounds on the trees, but in our case, it will protect the poles from rotting.
Nothing is possible without hard hardworking students. There is a group of Miyawaki forest guardians. The plants will be protected from weeds, pests, we will monitor their growth. Above all, we will monitor which animals will choose a mini urban forest to stop by or even build a new home here. Biodiversity boosts ecosystem productivity where each species, no matter how small, has an important role to play. Think of noise reduction, cleaner air, the amount of oxygen, the wind that will get caught in the branches of trees!
Check gallery.
We have finally planted the Miyawaki forest!
What do you envision when you think of a forest? You probably imagine a land covered with trees. In many countries traditional forests are being destroyed. Tiny forests have sprung up in cities around the world. They’re increasing biodiversity and fighting climate change.
These mini forests are inspired by Akira Miyawaki. He’s a botanist, or plant scientist, from Japan who pioneered a unique way of growing forests. It’s known as the Miyawaki method. It involves planting a wide variety of native trees close together and leaving them to grow into a dense forest
The Miyawaki method is said to grow trees 10 times faster than other methods. And these tiny forests are more biodiverse than traditional forests. The diversity of tree species attracts a greater variety of insects and amphibians looking for food and shelter.
The Miyawaki method has become popular in Europe. We realized that we can grow our own mini forests, too. Love Sustainable Society team members of four schools from three countries have decided to plant Miyawaki forests.
The schools in Vilnius, in Užice and in Makole have already planted their mini forests. On November 2021 students of Elementary school Kajetan Kovič and a team of professional botanists planted the first Miyawaki forest in Poljčane.
Check gallery.
The school sustainable garden is richer for the star flower
The flowers of borage or starflower contain a lot of nectar, so bees and other pollinators like to fly around them. It blooms from May to November. Young leaves and flowers can be used for salads, risottos, soups, spreads, yogurt. For tea leaves or flowers can be used. We can pour them with boiling water and leave standing for a few minutes.
We also planted borage in the school garden near the insect hotel. The members of the Erasmus+ club said hello to the school plane tree, measured the thickness of its trunk (it takes three students to hug it), hunted and played in nature, and took care of a lost caterpillar.

You can watch video about the experiment here.
You can download PDF about the experiment here.
You can watch presentation here.
Hello everyone, we are Zala, Žiga and Sara, students of the Elementary School Kajetan Kovič Poljčane.
In this project, we will explain an experiment in the chemical analysis of water. The most common contaminants are nitrate (V) ions, nitrite (III) ions, phosphate, and ammonium ions.
The main purpose of the experiment is to determine the quality of water in the river Dravinja, and in the nearby stream Brežnica. We want to compare the results with the standards of the permitted presence of individual pollutants.

- If ammonium is found in water, it can be concluded that water was in a contact with decomposing organic matter (such as sewage, slurry…).
- If nitrates are found in water it is usually due to excessive fertilization and decomposition of organisms.
- Nitrites are very harmful/toxic to all living creatures. The presence of nitrites in water is due to water contamination with feces. They are also found as additives in meat, sausages, fast food, and artificially fertilized vegetables.
- Phosphates are present in water if fertilizers and domestic sewage are used nearby. Phosphates are no longer used in washing powders.
Reagents will be added to the water samples. A chemical reaction will take place with the substance we want to determine.
Because of the chemical reaction the color of the solution changes. We will compare the color of the solution with the color on the scale and read the concentration of the substance which should be determined.
- Fill a 5 ml water sample into the measuring glasses A and B, and put them in the comparator.
- Add 10 drops of NH4-1 to the glass B and seal it.
- Add 1 measuring spoonful NH4-2.
- Wait for 5 min.
- Open the glass B, add 4 drops of NH3-3.
- Wait for 7 min.
- Open both glasses and compare the color with the color scale.

- Fill a 5 ml water sample into the measuring glasses A and B and put them in the comparator.
- Add 5 drops of.
- Seal the glass and shake it.
- Add 1 measuring spoonful of NO3-2.
- Seal the glass and shake the mixture for 1 min.
- Wait for 5 min.
- Open the glasses and compare the color with the color scale.
- Fill a 5 ml water sample into the measuring glasses A and B and put them in the comparator.
- Add 5 drops of NO2-1 to the B glass.
- Seal the glass and shake it.
- Add 1 measuring spoonful of NO2-2.
- Seal the glass B and shake the mixture for 1 min.
- Wait for 10 min.
- Open both glasses and compare the color with the color scale

- Fill a 5 ml water sample into the measuring glasses A and B and put them in the comparator.
- Add 5 drops of PO4-1 to the B glass.
- Seal the glass and shake it.
- Add 1 measuring spoonful of PO4-2.
- Seal the glass B and shake the mixture for 1 min.
- Wait for 10 min.
- Open both glasses and compare the color with the color scale.

By the experiment I concluded that the water in the Dravinja River is contaminated with phosphates,
which is due to the use of artificial fertilizers and household sewage.

By the experiment I concluded that the water in the Brežnica Stream is very polluted with phosphates,
which is a result of the use of artificial fertilizers and household sewage. The ammonium content
is also increased, due to sewage effluent.
The main source of water pollution is municipal wastewater from households, restaurants and similar facilities, as well as industrial wastewater from factories and other industrial plants.
Water flowing on the Earth’s surface and groundwater is also polluted by rain which contains dirt from roads, roofs, and other surfaces. Modern farming causes pollution by nitrates in fertilizers.
Water pollution is a global problem because water is almost everywhere on the planet and also easily accessible. Human settlements, industries, and agriculture are the major sources of water pollution. Water is essential for life, we use it for drinking. Due to its properties, it is also used for washing, cooking, dissolving, cooling.
Many substances enter the water, including toxic ones, and endanger life in the environment.
Households pollute water with washing and feces.
Industry pollutes water mainly with heavy metals and other inorganic and organic substances.
Agriculture pollutes water with fertilizers and pesticides.
Clean water is essential for life on the planet Earth. In this Erasmus+ activity we realized that the Dravinja River in our region is less polluted than it used to be in the last few years. But the Brežnica Stream is much more polluted by phosphates due to municipal wastewater. In the future we suggest a wastewater treatment plant to be built in Poljčane so the problem of pollution can be controlled and hopefully solved soon.
But we all need to take care of less water pollution. Water is a part of nature that
we must respect. Animals and plants are dying out due to pollution,
as we change their natural environment. All pollutants created by human activities
damage the quality of air, land, and water. So slowly, but surely, people destroy the
planet Earth.
- We can stop using substances that can pollute water, i. e. streams, and rivers.
- Dispose engine oil at petrol stations or at special waste points.
- Follow the instructions for handling the substances or agents we use.
- Avoid excessive use of fertilizers.
- Stop disposing of waste, plastic, and other non-degradable materials in the environment.
- Recycle and separate waste.
- Save water.
- Use things more than once.
Dear students and teachers from my and all three partner schools. EARTH is our only place to live, so it must be saved at all costs.
EARTH provides us air, water, food, shelter, protection, and all necessary resources. EARTH is a privilege given to us and it is our responsibility to protect it. If there is no clean water there is no life. Ans there is no planet B.
So we hope the results of our research and hard work will alert people of Poljčane to improve the situation and help all living beings.
Thank you for you time, thank you for reading.
Sustainability is for everyone and takes forever.
We shouldn’t believe our planet will be saved by anyone other than us. Sustainability is about doing more good and less harm to the planet Earth.
Stay safe, stay healthy students and teachers from Užice, Vilnius, Makole, and Poljčane. Love the planet Earth!
Mentors: Tatjana Zgubič, Polona Kobale
School coordinators and team members of four schools agreed on some facts about the Kahoot quiz in May and on many other activities to the end of this school year.
- A) Kahoot for younger students:
– 25 students from each school
– 24 questions about Lithuania, Serbia and Slovenia (8 questions for each country)
– May 19th, at 10 am (at 11 in Lithuania)
– 40 minutes (10 to register + 30 for the quiz)
Irma Žukauskaitė will start a Meeting Room for her students and some teachers, as we agreed, send her email addresses.
Diplomas for younger students are ready.
- B) Kahoot for older students:
– 25 students from each school
– 60 questions about Lithuania, Serbia and Slovenia (20 questions for each country)
– May 19th, at 12 o’clock (at 1 pm in Lithuania)
– 70 minutes (10 to register + 60 for the quiz)
Diplomas for older students are ready.
Oksana Marenkova will start a Meeting Room for her students and for some teachers as well.
Nataša Kosajnč and I suggest that the best 5 students (younger and older) from each school should get a diploma. Nataša and Irma will send each school a list of students with the results. We can print diplomas or send them to students as virtual diplomas.
- C) Planting Miyawaki mini-forest
Let’s repeat the steps:
– Find a good spot for the mini forest.
– Talk to an arborist and make some plans.
– Determine the soil texture.
– Design the forest.
– Select ONLY native tree and bush species for plantation.
– Prepare the area.
– Plant the trees!
– A fence is mandatory.
– Add an inscription board (Love Sustainable Society, May 2021 + Scientific names of plants and Serbian/Slovenian/Lithuanian).
– Look after the forest for the next three years.
– A Miyawaki forest becomes one way of doing our bit to help the environment. And spending time near trees improves physical and mental health!
- D) All four Erasmus+ schools will do three days of activities, which can be different, on different days, the main topic is sustainability. In Poljčane my coworkers plan to do two activities, Measuring and monitoring the water quality of the Dravinja Riverand Measuring the size of the planet Earth.
Don’t forget to document all activities!
- E) April 22nd: presentations, PPTs online or in classrooms, in the school hall in all 4 schools
- F) Promote the project: the three Ps (posters, presentations, and papers) of dissemination (articles to local newspapers, radio, TV).
- G) eTwinning: add texts, videos, photos. Like content, disseminate to your coworkers, students, their parents…
- H) School home pages: add texts, videos, photos. Elementary school Poljčane home page: https://ospoljcane.si/nova/You can find Love Sustainable Society in Projekti or at the bottom of the page in Erasmus+
Project coordinator Marina Koražija
Promoting the development of personal knowledge and creating a sustainable lifestyle
People who live on the planet Earth can choose between two options for the future: we can choose to handle our environment with care and accept sustainability, build a society that respects sustainability or follow the idea that someday in the future, humanity may lose a healthy life in a healthy environment. In the past, many civilizations self-destructed themselves and got lost on the
timeline of history. But today, the world is globalized, and harming our environment can have global consequences. Parents’ surveys show the need for interesting and actively carried out natural science activities and international cooperation of the school. Through the project Promoting the development of personal knowledge and creating a sustainable lifestyle, the team leaders and teachers of the partner schools will create opportunities for future cooperation, strategies, orientations, and needs of this project:
- how to develop and strengthen applied science knowledge and find connections with other areas,
- how to extend the new school practices to the participating schools in the project,
- how to transfer problem-based learning and formative learning to the participating schools,
- how student’s startup ideas can be used in the partner schools,
- how to find ways affecting the professional choices of pupils to find green/environmental jobs,
- how to transfer the achievements of the project to the families of pupils and follow lifelong learning,
- how to convey the idea of an outdoor classroom to participating schools and to strengthen the development of the partnership,
- how to present the results of the project with video production or journalism (interviews, short reports, news)
- how to follow the example of a school that is successful and rewarded in the ecological field,
- how to promote the field participation towards social roles,
- how to promote an entrepreneurial mindset, creativity, critical thinking.
- how to spread less known European languages and to improve the knowledge of English,
- how to integrate activities into classes.
The project has two main target groups: pupils and teachers. This project aims is to develop a stimulating learning environment that will enable us to combine natural sciences with an awareness of the importance of keeping the planet Earth for future generations. We also combine the field of social and economic development. We will incorporate problem learning and experiential learning, we follow the elements of formative assessment. 4 principals and 18 teachers will participate in the project, they are mostly English teachers, science and class teachers. In this project, the number of teachers and other school staff, and other associates will help with the project. The age of the participating pupils will be 12 to 15 years.
Activities and workshops of the elementary school from Poljčane are in cooperation with the Learning Polygon Dole, the classroom of sustainable development in nature, where gifted pupils will work in groups with pupils with fewer opportunities, we will upgrade the research task on the topic of Creating tools for measuring the size of the Planet Earth and the implementation of measurements, problem-based learning about the positive impact of the school geothermal heating on the environment, the idea to implement a similar solution to the issue of heating and hot water supply to the participating schools, how to clean and revive the river Dravinje and how the results can affect water quality, a poetry workshop in the languages of the participating schools and the poetry evening of the best poems at the Bird Watching Observatory near the Dravinja River. The process of producing video content will be part of the project, too.
(KA229-8A7EA7F5 Application Form, September 2019)
Snapshots from school life
In the Elementary School Kajetan Kovič Poljčane, there are not just walls, classrooms, playgrounds, gym, hallways, school kitchen, dining room, but the heart of our school are students, from the youngest to the ninth graders, teachers, and all the employees.
And students at our school learn, discuss, cooperate, build, play, talk, prepare project presentations, sing, paint, do experiments, play sports, participate in different activities, compete in the national TV trivia… We are part of the Slovenian cultural school project, we have many extracurricular activities, we sing and write stories, we speak two foreign languages, we participate in many different projects, in many competitions. One of the most important decisions is to follow a sustainable way of life in school and our families.
Cooperation with parents, grandparents, and other family members is strong, we participate with local government and organizations, we make connections internationally. We get awards, we present our work publicly in the local media, we are noticeable at the national level, we cooperate internationally.
Our school exists for over 210 years. In all these years past is our lesson, we live and create in the present to grow the wings for the future which is our motivation.
Erasmu+ coordinator Marina Koražija
Watch the video here.
eTwinning is the community for schools in Europe. It offers a platform for staff (teachers, headteachers, librarians), working in a school in one of the European countries involved, to communicate, collaborate, develop projects, share, and be part of the most exciting learning community in Europe.
You can find Love Sustainable Society project here.
Sustainable sports activities at the Elementary School Kajetan Kovič Poljčane
With many sports activities, we make a strong connection with nature around us. We love to be active outside, on the school playground, on green grass, on winter snow. We try to maintain a sustainable lifestyle and do not endanger our environment with our activities.
We run, play tee-ball, volleyball, basketball, football, we rollerblade and do gymnastics, jump with skis, learn how to ski alpine style, we love to bike, skate, compete in orienteering, dance, play games on grass or snow, we can ride unicycles, we practice aerobics… This is how we develop our physical abilities, socialize, strengthen our health, stay active.
Watch the video here.
Video greetings to partner schools from Vilnius, Užice, and Makole
Students of the class 7 b and their English teacher prepared a short video before the Christmas and New Year holidays. They talk about their life during distance learning, they added some holiday greetings and invitations to Erasmus+ students and teachers.
Watch the video here.
Sport activity planner
In these corona times, students at the Elementary School Kajetan Kovič Poljčane love sports activities even more. We mostly stay at home on our computers, but we also spend a lot of time in nature because we have many sports activities carefully planned by our sports teachers. They have prepared a month sport activity planner. Each student enters actual results for different activities, and parents confirm each result by a signature. There are different levels of tasks, indoors or outdoors, individually or in groups, practical and theoretical. Students also need to send short videos and photos of different sports activities to their sports teachers as proof.
Watch the video here.
Many ways to describe this wacky year
The year 2020 was the 20th year of the 3rd millennium. It sounds interesting but 2020 was also a year of pandemic, lockdowns, economic and social problems, postponed events, a year of no traveling, and according to well-known facts also the worst year in terms of climate change. The main reasons lie in natural catastrophes, such as huge bushfires, and in the fact that NONE of the international Sustainable Development Goals for the year 2020 were achieved.
Love Sustainable Society is a project, which aims to promote the development of personal knowledge and a sustainable lifestyle for each of us. We have to try as much as we can to avoid exploiting nature in unsustainable ways of life.
Contents of sustainability need to focus on personal, family, community, state, regional, and international perspectives, such as the project Love Sustainable Society is. We have to show the students that they can have a positive effect on their lives and the lives of others, they have the power to act, to take an active role in communities, both local and international. The concept of sustainable living can be well transmitted to all students, future citizens, and their families.
Let’s be proud of all the activities we have already finished and about the activities, we have planned together and are waiting to be completed in this school year or to the end of August 2022.
And let’s remember which good things happened in 2020: scientists discovered and manufactured vaccines that will prevent the disease, thousands of people volunteered to help those in need, health workers and many others risk their lives to save ours, many people found new meaning in their lives, we became accustomed to video calls and work from home is possible, carbon dioxide emissions declined, here are new agreements for carbon neutrality by 2060 and electric cars are sold more and more, many pets were adopted, puzzles and board games became cool again, even chess boards returned, we rewatched old favorites, we kept optimism thriving and cute puppy and kitten cards are still the most popular…
My personal wish for all of you at the end of 2020 is to practice gratitude, hug your friends and family (yes, we can still hug a lot), and don’t wait to live your best life. Because as we know, we have it now and here.
Slovenian Team from the Elementary School Kajetan Kovič Poljčane and project coordinator Marina Koražija
We visited the National Laboratory of Health, Environment and Food
The National Laboratory of Health, Environment, and Food is the central and the largest laboratory for public health, dealing with hygienic and health-related ecological activities, environment protection problems, microbiological diagnostics, and chemical analyses of samples of different kinds and research activities. In the laboratory, the services for governmental needs are executed, first of all for monitoring and official inspection and supervision from the competencies of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food and Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, free capacities are offered to customers on the open market. In cooperation with other institutions in Slovenia and abroad, the NLZOH cooperates in national and international research, applicative and advisory projects.
The Reading Project of Lithuanian and Serbian Literature
The Reading Project of the three countries is related to comprehension and developing dispositions to enjoy reading short stories and fairy tales of the three countries.
Students aged 6 to 15 were reading or listening to Lithuanian and Serbian literature which is translated to the Slovenian language. Literature gives students the chance to see things from someone else’s point of view, and being in different shoes is the best way to develop empathy for others. Stories help us to reflect on who we are.
Presentation of the School Research Paper on Sustainable Food System at the school hall
The Schooll Hall of Elementary School Kajetan Kovič Poljčane is in the Spirit of SUSTAINABILITY and the E+ Project Love Sustainable Society
The short-term joint staff training event
Vilniaus Antakalnio progimnazija, Vilnius, Lietuva
Osnovna škola Stari Grad, Užice, Srbija
Osnovna šola Anice Černejeve, Makole, Slovenija
Osnovna šola Kajetana Koviča, Poljčane, Slovenija
Monday, Nov 18
08:00 Welcome to school
08:20 Welcome program 1
08:45 Snack break
09:10 Welcome program 2
09:45 Coffee break
10:25 Class 3 a, Formative Assessment
11.10 Measuring the Size of Earth
12.05 Open Doors Hour
13.00 A visit to the Kindergarten
14.00 Lunch at school
14:00-16:00 Break
16:00 Ecoremediation Center
17:30 Dinner
Tuesday, Nov 19
09:00 Welcome to school
09:30 Welcome program
10:15 About the project
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Open Doors Hour
12:00 Lunch at school
13:00 School Tour
14:00 Project work
15:00-16:00 Break
16:00 Afternoon activities
18:30 Dinner
Wednesday, Nov 20
08:45 Transfer to Rogla
09:45 Field trip
11:45 Treetop Walk Rogla
12:30 Transfer to Skomarje
13:00 Lunch
16:00 Transfer to Poljčane
17:00 Transfer to Ljubljana (Lithuanian team)
Promoting the development of personal knowledge and creating a sustainable lifestyle
People who live on the planet Earth can choose between two options for the future: we can choose to handle our environment with care and accept sustainability, build a society that respects sustainability or follow the idea that someday in the future, humanity may lose a healthy life in a healthy environment. In the past, many civilizations self-destructed themselves and got lost on the
timeline of history. But today, the world is globalized, and harming our environment can have global consequences. Parents’ surveys show the need for interesting and actively carried out natural science activities and international cooperation of the school. Through the project Promoting the development of personal knowledge and creating a sustainable lifestyle, the team leaders and teachers of the partner schools will create opportunities for future cooperation, strategies, orientations, and needs of this project:
- how to develop and strengthen applied science knowledge and find connections with other areas,
- how to extend the new school practices to the participating schools in the project,
- how to transfer problem-based learning and formative learning to the participating schools,
- how student’s startup ideas can be used in the partner schools,
- how to find ways affecting the professional choices of pupils to find green/environmental jobs,
- how to transfer the achievements of the project to the families of pupils and follow lifelong learning,
- how to convey the idea of an outdoor classroom to participating schools and to strengthen the development of the partnership,
- how to present the results of the project with video production or journalism (interviews, short reports, news)
- how to follow the example of a school that is successful and rewarded in the ecological field,
- how to promote the field participation towards social roles,
- how to promote an entrepreneurial mindset, creativity, critical thinking.
- how to spread less known European languages and to improve the knowledge of English,
- how to integrate activities into classes.
The project has two main target groups: pupils and teachers. This project aims is to develop a stimulating learning environment that will enable us to combine natural sciences with an awareness of the importance of keeping the planet Earth for future generations. We also combine the field of social and economic development. We will incorporate problem learning and experiential learning, we follow the elements of formative assessment. 4 principals and 18 teachers will participate in the project, they are mostly English teachers, science and class teachers. In this project, the number of teachers and other school staff, and other associates will help with the project. The age of the participating pupils will be 12 to 15 years.
Activities and workshops of the elementary school from Poljčane are cooperation with the Learning Polygon Dole, the classroom of sustainable development in nature, where gifted pupils will work in groups with pupils with fewer opportunities, we will upgrade the research task on the topic of Creating tools for measuring the size of the Planet Earth and the implementation of measurements, problem-based learning about the positive impact of the school geothermal heating on the environment, the idea to implement a similar solution to the issue of heating and hot water supply to the participating schools, how to clean and revive the river Dravinje and how the results can affect water quality, a poetry workshop in the languages of the participating schools and the poetry evening of the best poems at the Bird Watching Observatory near the Dravinja River. The process of producing video content will be part of the project, too.